brown bagPrevious Brown Bag Sessions

  This page contains descriptions of and presentations from the Brown Bag sessions the Oregon Reading First Center hosted during previous school years. For information about sessions held during the current school year, please visit our Brown Bags page.

  • SAILS and Suggestions for Differentiated Instruction by Jan Hasbrouck
  • Special Education Eligibility Within the Framework of RTI by Wayne Callender
  • The ABCs of CBM for Math, Spelling, and Writing by Michelle Hosp
  • Introduction to Classroom Management and Behavior Support by Randy Sprick
  • Effective Teaching of Reading: From Phonics to Fluency by Dr. Tim Rasinski
  • easyCBM: Benchmarking and Progress Monitoring System by Denise Swanson
  • English Learner Reading Performance in English in Oregon Reading First Schools: Does Project Experience Make a Difference?
by Drs. Doris and Scott Baker

2007-2008September 17, 2007: Jerry Silbert
  • Using Direct Instruction Programs as Intervention Programs in Grades K-3 by Jerry Silbert
  • Implementing Evidence-based Practices at Scales of Social Significance by Dr. Rob Horner
  • Using the Outcomes-Driven Model as a Foundation for a Prevention-Oriented Response to Effective Intervention Model by Dr. Roland Good
  • Enhancing Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension through Oral Language Instruction in Preschool and Primary Grades by Linda Carnine
  • Considerations in Accelerating Learning Rates: Reading Interventions in 1st and 2nd Grades by Dr. Beth Harn
  • Response to Intervention: Getting Started by Wayne Callender
  • Making a Difference Means Making It Different by Dr. Tim Shanahan
  • English Learner Reading Perforance in English in Oregon Reading First Schools: Does Project Experience Make a Difference? by Drs. Doris Baker, Scott Baker, and Rachell Katz
  • Differentiating Instruction by Vicki Gibson